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Welcome to ThinkBox Children's Library

Nurturing young minds...
We at ThinkBox Children's Library are passionate moms, educationists and entrepreneurs who know the importance of reading and help you get your little one to discover a whole new world through books. Join ThinkBox Librarynow to raise a lifetime reader! As a member, your child will receive a curated set of books, depending on their age, interest and reading proficiency.
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Our Plans


3 Books


3 Books + 1 Toy


10 Books


3 Books + 3 Toys


Books delivered pan India
Reading time

ThinkBox Recommends

Carefully selected books can deepen and enlarge a child's perception and understanding. Our Librarian hand picks the book from different genres to get your child a 360 degree experience and knowledge.
Glitter Book - Duck learns to swim
Value based stories
Big Nate series
Septimus Heap series
Upcoming activites

Activity Classes

It's no secret that activities are an important supplement to the learning. There are things that library can help in ways to the children that the classrooms cannot.
Eco friendly Clay Ganesha
Septemper 6
5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Wobbler Toddler
September 21
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Happy Parents Say


Frequently Asked Questions

You can borrow unlimited books once you are a member of ThinkBox Library. The number of books issued to you at a time will depend on the plan that you have selected. The faraway reader program will have books delivered once a month according to the plan chosen.
We accept Cash/Cheque/Neft transfer/UPI payment.
  • Bank Name : Indian Overseas Bank
  • Account type: Current
  • Branch name: Vignannagar
  • IIFSC Code: IOBA0001600
  • Account No: 160002000000406
  • Account Name: Thinkbox Library
  • UPI id: thinkbox@upi
All the activity announcements will be done via messaging and online. You can register to participate in an activity via call/message and pay the fees.
Yes we do doorstep delivery of books. If you stay within a 2 km radius of the library, you will get free delivery once in two weeks. We send all across Bangalore through a third party and it will be charged on actuals.
We are very happy to help you setup your own library. You can write us to or WhatsApp us on 9886406491 to talk to our founder.


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Our Blog

News & Articles

How these libraries in Bengaluru are keeping love for reading alive
  • 15 March 2022
Bhakti Shah (52) founded ThinkBox, a children’s library, in 2008 on Malleshpalya Main Road. The idea sprung up when she could not find a library for her four-year-old son.
How I Started a Library for Kids
  • 27 Oct 2020
As a parent, what do you do to ensure that your child becomes a reader? Let me share some things that I do – introduce various kinds of books to them, make outings to bookstores a part of their routine, ensure that they see me read as much as possible to set an example.
Our Radio Interview
  • 18 Nov 2020
An interview with the one & only RJ Jimmy at Radio Mirchi! Was super elated for this and we hope you enjoy our conversation. Thank you for your constant support as a community. We're off to greater things as a ThinkBox family!